
CMD2024 | Hybrid human-AI contract drafting - Maarten Truyens

What works, what not?

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Hybrid human-AI contract drafting: what works, what not?

There are a lot of snake oil products being marketed in the world of contract drafting and review. Large Language Models offer a fascinating amount of power that can be leveraged for contract drafting, but not everything is perfect yet.

In this presentation, Maarten will provide an overview of what is ready for prime time and where you should still exercise caution. 

Maarten Truyens | ClauseBase

Maarten Truyens is a former IT lawyer who combines a passion for technology with more than a decade of professional experience in information technology law. He is known for his outspoken vision on legal information technology.
Maarten is the founder and CTO of ClauseBase, which develops legal drafting tools ClauseBuddy and Clause9. With its powerful drafting engine, ClauseBase enables real-world contract drafting that can handle the complexities of modern contracts.

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