
CMD2024 | The AI Act - Prof. Dr. Eva Lievens

too little, too late or too much, too soon? 

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The AI Act: too little, too late or too much, too soon? 

The European Union has adopted one of the first legislative instruments to regulate Artificial Intelligence. The regulation aims to provide AI providers and users with legal certainty and adopts a risk-based approach, imposing strict obligations on high-risk AI systems, and minimal or no obligations on systems with minimal risks.

​​​​​​​Critics argue that the regulation will stifle innovation, others are concerned that the regulation does not offer sufficient protection for individuals who are subjected to AI systems. This contribution will discuss the AI Act, its risk-based approach, benefits and drawbacks, and in particular, the impact of the new rules on legal tech applications. 

Prof. Dr. Eva Lievens | Ghent University

Prof. Dr. Eva Lievens is an Associate Professor of Law & Technology at Ghent University and a member of the Human Rights Centre. She researches the legal impact of technology design and deployment, human and children’s rights in the digital environment, and alternative regulatory instruments.

​​​​​​​At Ghent University, Eva teaches ‘Law & Technology’, ‘European Law & ICT’, ‘European Media Law’, ‘Cybercrime, Technology & Surveillance’, and ‘Data Protection Law’. She is the associate editor for the International Encyclopaedia of Laws - Media Law (edited by Prof. Peggy Valcke), and a member of the Editorial Board of the IT & Law Series (T.M.C. Asser Press) and Computer Law & Security Review.

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